Saturday, February 16, 2008

where in the journey am I?

The hero's journey is something that every writer knows. It's the basic construct of much literature and film. Some might deride the 'structure' and 'pat-ness' of it, but it works. It's the real deal.

Lately, to keep a sense of humor about things, I've been applying this monomyth to my life. Just to keep sane as things were going a bit haywire.

Here's the rub to doing that: I thought I hit the 'Supreme Ordeal' last month when the movie was put on hold. This past week, I found that was just a little bump, one of the 'tests' that the hero must pass; mere preludes.

What I'm going through now... This, I hope, is the Supreme Ordeal. If not, I'm in for a serious bruising.

Unfortunately, the ordeal is not movie making related, it's not 'creative energy' related.

It is relationship related. It's the sort of ordeal that lays its blanket of pain, fear, anger and upset over every aspect of life.

Please forgive the nebulosity, it's a form of self-protection.


  1. Whatever it is, and I really don't want to know, I wish you the best. That stupid ass saying "whatever doesn't kill you ....", well it's true even as cliche as it sounds.
    Like I said I wish you the best.

  2. Thanks, James.

    Life is indeed always full of surprises. Hopefully this will work out in a good way.
